Runner-up list (1 point short of selected)

[Applicant’s Name / School / Title]  – Adachi, Kensuke / Tokyo Polytechnic University / SOS – Aizawa, Kaho / Mirai Institute of Technology / express – Albernaz, Carolina / Nippon Designers School / Trampled Voice – Andia […]

Exhibition Information

JAGDA International Student Poster Award 2022 Exhibition Date: Wednesday 30 November – Monday 12 December 2022  *Closed on Tue 6 December Opening hours 10:00-18:00 / 10:00-15:00 on Mon 12 Dec / Last admission 30 mi […]

Announcement of Selected works

An email notification will be sent to the selected applicants on 5 September. Please make sure you read this email as it is important information regarding upcoming judging and the exhibition. [Applicant’s Name / School […]

Applications now open!

JAGDA International Student Poster Award 2022, an international poster competition for students, is now open for applications. All students must be high school students or older, regardless of nationality or age. We are […]

Applications open on 1 May

The JAGDA International Student Poster Award 2022 website has reopened today. The submission period is from 1 May to 31 July. This year’s theme is “Voice”. We are looking forward to receiving many submi […]

JAGDA International Student Poster Award 2022

Theme: Voice Application Priod: 1 May – 31 July 2022 Jury: Taku Satoh (Japan / Jury President), Philippe Apeloig (France), Aki Kanai (Japan), Aaron Nieh (Taiwan), Ryosuke Uehara (Japan), Ping Wu (China), Michihiko Yanai […]